Tuesday 5 May 2015

What happened in April & some May goals

Sometimes you've just got to stop and listen to your body. Frustratingly, I've had to do that over the last couple of weeks thanks to a running injury (why, again, body?). So, the past two weeks have been a bit more relaxed on the exercise front but it does mean I've been able to focus on my yoga and I’m still absolutely loving Yoga with Adriene (hey-o).

With the above in mind, I thought I’d do a little run down of last month's goals; things I’m sticking with into May and any new goals I want to try and achieve.


Run a half-marathon - I most definitely did this, and in style. I was over the moon to get a PB for the Sheffield Half Marathon and came away feeling pretty amazing, despite picking up a bit of an injury. I’ll be picking up my training again into May after the physio has worked its magic, and getting myself set for the Great North 10K and Great North Run.

Up my weights - this kind of happened but more towards the beginning of the month, then with injury and life getting in the way, I haven’t been to the gym as much as I would’ve liked.

Re-educate - my Nutrition and Health Advisor course is going a bit more on the slow side thanks to April being sh*t cray, but May is the month that I am getting on it. I’ve got a week and half off work soon so plan on knuckling down and making some headway with it all.

Cut out dairy - this has been one of the hardest things I’ve tried to do ever (how I miss you cheese and full fat lattes), but also one of the best and I don’t know why I hadn’t done it sooner to be honest. I did have a couple of lapses thanks to a leftover Easter egg and a horrifically bad week, but I’m only human. I did feel rubbish after these lapses and it made me get back on the wagon straight away. All in all, my stomach has been flatter, my skin’s been better and I haven’t had any major problems with my throat, so a huge success I would say. I am going to enjoy small amounts of organic dairy every now and then, but for the time being, dairy is 100% off the menu.

Become a yogi - this is one goal that I wasn’t sure how far I’d get with to be honest, but injury has made me fully embrace it. I am literally obsessed with all things Yoga with Adriene and every session I’ve done so far has been amazing for core strength and stability. I'll be headstanding in no time. 


Along with continuing to cut out dairy (sob) and my ongoing yoga, here’s a few things I want to achieve this month.

Ban the bloat - I dabbled in cutting gluten out during April, but May’s where I really want to cut this out, and hopefully for the long-term. It makes me feel rubbish whenever I have it, so what’s the point! It's also Coeliac Awareness Week 11th-17th May, so a prime time to see how gluten affects my body and if I'm better off without it. #RIPbread

Back in the saddle - I love cycling and haven’t been out on my road bike as much as I would’ve liked to since I bought it way back when in September. With the weather getting that bit better, it is most definitely time to break it out the garage and get my legs peddlin'. 

Go green - I’m taking part in teapigs #MatchaMay challenge, including it my diet everyday during May, to see if I notice its  benefits by the end of the month. I’m off caffeine on weekdays at the minute, so this will be perfect for that AM boost.

Have you got any goals for May? 

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