Sunday 20 September 2015

A healthy balance

Eating the right things 100% of the time is hard work. I don't think anyone, even the most seemingly healthy wellbeing guru, can say their diet is spot on all of the time - life just doesn't work like that and a little bit of what you fancy does you good after all.

We're at a point where there is such a wealth of information on the right things to eat, all fronted by an awesome squad of healthy living babes advocating avocados and telling us to just buy the god damn spiralizer - courgetti can be better than spaghetti (not quite the same but does a low-carb job).

There are some awesome recipes and top tips out there but like with anything when it becomes over-saturated, there is always going to be a flip-side to the movement.

In this case, two Instagram accounts are providing some serious LOLs in reaction to us all going gluten, dairy, grain and everything-free. And their overarching message couldn't be anymore bang on - it's all about balance and not taking ourselves too seriously when it comes to wellbeing.

With a tag line of Have your cake and eat hers too, the first time I clicked onto this stream, I knew I was onto a winner. Packed with utter babes tucking in to pizza, doughnuts, pastries in all forms, shapes and sizes, this feed proclaims gluten isn't in the enemy (unless you have a food intolerance - not trying to pressurise coeliacs into eating something they can't) and even has celebs like Diane Kruger chowing down on a bowl of pasta.

Go on, treat yo'self.

Ho, ho, ho. This girl makes me chuckle.  Fronted by comedian Bella Younger, @deliciouslystella is frickin' hilarious. She's basically Deliciously Ella's gluten-gorging, blue WKD-swilling evil twin. The captions are gold; written in a way you'd expect from a wellbeing Insta-celeb, but with an unhealthy living slant.

There's too many good'uns to mention, so get yourself over to her feed to check them out.

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