Sunday 22 March 2015

Clean Salted Caramel Smoothie

My friend Kate told me about a smoothie recipe she'd concocted ages ago, and as soon as she said the words 'salted caramel', I was obviously sold. Now, this isn't an exact recipe as such, as her creation was a bit of an experiment, but sometimes the best things come out of whacking anything together in the blender. This is totally different to any other smoothies I usually make (no greens here) but I know it's going to be a firm favourite from now on.

The key ingredient to the butterscotchy taste is lucuma powder, which is anti-inflammatory, packed with iron, and contains boat loads of carotene - essential for healthy eyes and supple skin.

I've tried to recreate the milkshake-like drink here and have added a couple of other bits and bobs in to put my stamp on it. My word, it's like a creamy, silky, salted caramel pudding. *wolf whistle*

It does require a tiny bit of prep in terms of the roasted butternut squash, but seriously, it's all the better for it.

Clean Salted Caramel Smoothie (serves 1)

4 x finger-sized wedges roasted frozen butternut squash
1/4 frozen banana
1 tbsp lucuma powder
2 tbsp coconut milk solids (I used Biona Coconut Milk)
1/3 tin coconut milk liquid
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp himalayan pink sea salt
3 tbsp cold water

1. Chuck everything together in a blender and blend until smooth - appliances like Blend Active and Nutri Bullet are perfect for this individual serving.

2. Check the consistency. If you'd prefer it a bit thinner, simply add a bit more cold water and blend again.

3. Once you've got the consistency to your liking, pour into a tumbler and serve immediately.

Have you got any recipes you've tried which contain things you might not normally find in a smoothie? I'd love to hear your suggestions for non-green versions of this clean treat. 

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