Friday 23 April 2010


So, I came back from London on Wednesday night after a couple of days on interviews, meetings and waiting for my book for my final major project, BACKSTAGE, to be bound.

Wyvern Bindery were amazing, so helpful and I actually cried when I picked up my books - they are so beautiful and the binders did such an AMAZING job, really cannot say how pleased I am with them.

Also, I went to th Grace Kelly exhibition at the V&A. Some beautiful dresses and handbags (particularly liked the Hermes Kelly bag, beautifully worn). My only quip is that I wish the exhibition had been slightly bigger! Think the garments could have been presented better as well. And it was HEAVING. had to fight my way through the masses to see the bridal garments!

Anyway, so here are a few preliminary photos of the debossing plates and the final book. Going into the studio on Monday to take some proper photos of it for my promotion work and also I'm doing a mini film of me flicking through the pages of the book.




  1. Looks great - what's the book about?

  2. It's a boo of photography from backstage at fashion shows! Broken down into 8 sections, it explores the process of a fashion show in a new way. Will be posting some internal shots of the book this week x


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